Murphy, Francis Leo "MURPH" beloved husband of Jean "Pat" Murphy (Nee Thompson) devoted father of Roseann Walden of Arbutus, Patricia Kelly and her husband Kenneth of Pasadena, dear brother of Patricia Jordon and her husband Cal, Jean Lincoln and her husband Michael, Kathy Nash and her husband Earl, All of Norton, Mass., dear brother-in-law of Anne Popilok of Arbutus and William Thompson of Pasadena, loving grandfather of Heather and Buzzy Walden of Arbutus, Kenny Kelly, Jr., Karissa and Kaylee, all of Pasadena, loving great grandfather of Mason Walden, Savannah Baker and McKenna Walden, all of Arbutus.
Mr. Murphy was born in Massachusetts on December 21, 1943 to the late Leo F and Lucy Murphy and died in the Mercy Medical Center on December 16, 2011. He served in the Army from 1963 until 1969. He worked as an Merchant Marine for 35 years for Marine Engineer Beneficial Association before retiring in 1996. He also worked at the Social Security Administration for 10 years before retiring in 2010. Mr. Murphy was a Pasadena resident for 15 years who was a member of the American Legion Post 195, the V.F.W. Post 160, The Elks Club 622 of Annapolis and the Ferndale Community Club. He enjoyed Spending time with his grandchildren and friends, golfing, photography and going to casino's.
Relatives and friends are invited to call at the family owned and operated MCCULLY-POLYNIAK FUNERAL HOME, P.A. 3204 Mountain Road PASADENA on Tuesday and Wednesday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. A Funeral Mass will be held in the St. Philip Neri Church on Thursday at 9 AM Mass. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association 1850 York Road Suite D Timonium, Maryland 21093