Grimes, Norman R., Sr. beloved husband of the late Lillian V. Grimes, (Nee Haddaway) devoted father of Norman R. Grimes, Jr. and his wife Krista of Pasadena, and Michael P. Grimes of Pasadena, loving grandfather of Caleb Grimes of Pasadena, loving great-grandfather of Cambrie Grimes of Pasadena.
Mr. Grimes, a Pasadena resident since 1968 was born in Maryland on December 23, 1937 to Norman N. and Ella Lorraine Grimes and died in the Baltimore-Washington Medical Center of March 29, 2015. Mr. Grimes was a Baltimore City Police Officer for 23 years before retiring in 1987. Mr. Grimes also enjoyed genealogy.
Relatives and friends are invited to call at the family owned and operated MCCULLY-POLYNIAK FUNERAL HOME, P.A. 3204 Mountain Road PASADENA on Thursday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. Where funeral services will be held on Friday at 9:30 AM. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.