Bustard, Pamela Jane Shuey, beloved wife of Edwin "Eddie" C. Bustard, III of Severna Park, devoted mother of Michael John Lyons and Janie S. Lyons, both of Severna Park, dear stepmother of Todd R. Bustard of Baltimore, Matthew R. Bustard and his wife Amy N. of Baltimore, loving daughter of Margaret Jane Shuey of Pasadena and the late George William Shuey, Sr. dear daughter-in-law of Edwin C. Bustard, Jr. of Baltimore, dear sister of Linda F. Grunder and her husband Joe of Pasadena, Faith M. Stimson and her husband Greg of Pasadena and the late George William Shuey, Jr. and Joanne Valentine.
Pam is also survived by many relatives and friends.
Pam was born in Maryland on August 17, 1954 and peacefully passed at her Severna Park residence on February 22, 2012. Pam was in the mortgage banking business for quite some time before retiring in 2004 to golf and spend time with her beloved husband, Eddie. Pam was a member of the Sparrows Point Country Club. She actively participated in the "Pictionary Club" for over 25 years with her close girlfriends and sisters. Pam was also an active and vibrant member in her community through St. John's School in Severna Park and various other activities including SPY Swimming and Evergreen Swim Club. Pam's effervescent spirit will live on through those she loved and all the hearts she touched during her time with us.
Relatives and friends are invited to call at the Our Lady of the Chesapeake Catholic Church at 8325 Ventnor Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 on Monday from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. for a public viewing. The funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady of the Chesapeake as well. Interment will be at Glen Haven Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to "The Pamela Jane Shuey Bustard Memorial Fund" benefiting melanoma research at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, and the separate establishment of a college scholarship fund. Please mail checks to "The Pamela Jane Shuey Bustard Memorial Fund" c/o Revere Bank, 8529 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108.